Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’

As a child growing up in the country, I don't remember being particularly bothered by the heat of summer but that was a long time ago now.  Here in Richmond, the summers tend to be sultry - awash in a stultifying mix of humidity, still air, and high temperatures. This year, however, we have had some spells … Continue reading Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’

Weekly Photo Challenge: Container

This week's challenge is to show a container: something that contains something else.  Since I am still going through my 4,000 images that I took in Europe this past spring, I thought immediately of the grand churches and cathedrals I visited.  If ever there was a magnificent container, this would be it. Churches contain many … Continue reading Weekly Photo Challenge: Container

Weekly Photo Challenge: A Study in Contrasts

This week's challenge is "Contrasts."  Contrast is one of the most important components of any photograph; changing the level of contrast totally changes the image.  But for this week's challenge, I decided against employing contrast in the strictly photographic sense but, rather, to show a startling contrast between two images. In this  case, the two … Continue reading Weekly Photo Challenge: A Study in Contrasts