Sometimes Life Throws You a Curveball

A partial view of the first wreath for 2014, "Pink Pearl"
A partial view of the first wreath for 2014, “Pink Pearl”

I have only two more weeks to get ready for the Country Living Fair in Rhinebeck, NY and I am pretty stressed out about that (don’t forget to order your tickets now!).  I need to make a lot of Vintage Christmas as well as work on editing and printing some photographs, package cards, etcetera, etcetera.

So….last week, as luck would have it, my left shoulder started bothering me and by the end of the week, it was pretty excruciating. I had finally finished making a wreath called “Pink Pearl,” and was well into a new one.  Try as I might I just could not work through the pain enough so that I could get anywhere with a wreath.  Of course, this just made me feel even more stressed.  I took the weekend off to make a quick trip home to see my mother since I had not been able to make it for Mother’s Day.  I brought some cards with me to package and even that was really painful.  Now I was really worried.

Do you remember this charming snowman from a post earlier this year?
Do you remember this charming snowman from a post earlier this year?

So this morning, I went to the orthopedic clinic and found out that I have something akin to tendonitis.  Once I explained that I absolutely have to be able to work for the next couple of weeks, the PA mercifully understood my predicament and went right to prescribing a steroid, a pain-killer, and a muscle relaxer.  I have never taken a steroid and it makes me a little uneasy but after some conversation, I went ahead and filled the Rx.

Knowing that I cannot take all three of those meds and still stand upright, I went right for the most important one: the steroid.  He said it may take a couple of days for it to kick in.  After a while in the workshop, I went back into the house and took a half dose of the painkiller.  About an hour later, I realized that things were not quite as painful as they had been.  Halleluia – maybe this will work!  And even better I was able to finish the wreath I had been working on.  It was not a piece of cake but I was not so distracted by discomfort that it got in the way of my working.  Oh, heavenly praises.

Detail of "Snow Charming"
Detail of “Snow Charming”
SNOW CHARMING Wreath ©Glittermoon Productions 2014 2
“Snow Charming”

I am posting some crummy phone pictures of the new baby, “Snow Charming.”  I love the way it turned out.  As often seems to happen, the final 10% of the wreath took every bit as long as the first 90%.  I worked on that 10% from about 4 until just after 8 this evening.  I’m tired but elated that I could finish it.  I have a feeling things will be on the upswing now, barring any other calamities.  And I am hoping that the drugs will not turn me into an axe murderer or some other god awful thing.  I can’t work very quickly so I may not be able to produce as much but at least I can produce something.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!  Oh, and let me know how you like the new stuff, ok?

14 thoughts on “Sometimes Life Throws You a Curveball

  1. I absolutely LOVE your wreaths. They are true pieces of art. I too make wreaths and vintage is my passion. While I will never turn out art like you I can totally relate to your comment about the last 10% taking as long to finish as the first 90%. I always thought it was just me but it’s nice to know that a professional like you has the same struggle. Stay well and keep up your beautiful work. You give me my inspiration and one day I hope to see your masterpieces in person.


    1. Dear Monica,
      Thank you so very much for your really wonderful compliments on my work. I can’t tell you what a mood lifter it was for me to read your comments! And, yes, for me the first 90% has to be good but the final 10% is what makes or breaks a piece (in my opinion, that is). I hope that we will meet in person, too. Best wishes, Cackie


  2. I’m glad you’ve gotten some pain relief, Cackie. The wreaths look fantastic; I’d been thinking a snowman theme would be great and it is. Hope you’re able to comtinue creating magic!


    1. Thank you, Pam, for once again lightening my day. So glad you like the snowman! I think the shoulder is feeling better today. Will find out soon enough. Have a wonderful day!


  3. beautiful work…just love seeing new “eye candy” when you post 🙂 Prayers for quick healing and comfort in the meantime. Hate being down for the count as well 😦


    1. Dear Jen,
      Thank you very much for your lovely compliments! And for your kind thoughts about my shoulder – I think it is better today so everyone’s good wishes muct be working! Best to you and keep writing, Cackie


  4. Your wreaths are, as always, simply gorgeous Cackie! I especially love “Snow Charming” – if that were mine I’d keep it on display year round. I’m sorry to hear of your health woes, and that I missed you last weekend. I hope you have a quick recovery and great show in NY! Cindy from


    1. Thanks, Cindy! I’m so glad you like my distressed little snowman – I love him, too. Sorry I missed you last weekend as well and I hope the tour was great. It was a perfect weekend. I will be heading out to my workshop soon so we will see how the shoulder feels today. I think it is better. Yay. Cackie


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